ValiasVillain Page 8
Kean, Araya’s one-eighth-Incubus fiancé, sat at the large table chatting with Darcon, Talith’s number-one guard. Valia liked to call him Darcy because it annoyed him. Kiberry sat at Kean’s side. She giggled at that. Kiberry was a baby Tengur demon. Araya and Valia had found him alone in the orchard and they’d become his surrogate mothers. Four-inch legs, a thirty-pound body covered in black-and-blue-tinged fur and large wings. Oh and a mouth full of scary teeth. Kiberry had pounced on Kean the first time he’d seen him because he thought Kean was trying to hurt Araya. Now he followed Kean around as if he was a puppy.
Valia almost drooled at the array of fruit piled high on platters. She rushed forward, grabbed a chunk of pineapple, and stuffed it in her mouth. She closed her eyes as the sweet and tangy juice coated her mouth. Yum. “Hey, Incubus,” she greeted Kean. “Hey, Darcy.” She laughed when his narrowed eyes.
“Valia!” Araya exclaimed. “What the hell is going on? You can stuff your face later. Talk.”
They all sat around the table and Valia explained the basics of what had happened but left out the part about binding Rydin’s aura. She wanted to talk to her mother alone about that.
Talith spoke first. “Valia dear, why would you want anything to do with that demon, much less help him? He abducted and imprisoned you.”
Kean, Araya, and Valia all snorted at the same time. Talith had abducted Kean and imprisoned him and she’d abducted Rydin and imprisoned him. Hypocritical much?
Talith ran her fingers over her blonde hair as if to smooth it even though there wasn’t a strand out of place, and she had the nerve to look indignant at their collective snorting.
“He’s suffered enough because of me. You. Us. Whatever. And we need to have a chat about that later but right now, I need a plan. The nasty Incubus who holds his contract—”
It was Araya’s and Talith’s turn to mimic each other. “Incubus!”
“A full-blooded Incubus?” Araya squeaked. Valia nodded and Araya continued. “Oh no way! That is way too dangerous. You guys can hardly bear to be around Kean,” her eyes went all dreamy, “because of his alluring scent. You know the powerful draw of it.”
“I’m immune to your love-puppy’s scent now.” Valia turned to Kean and winked. “As for Debol, he might smell delicious but I can handle it. I want him dead. It’s the least I can do for Rydin.”
“I think Valia has a crush,” Fin joked. “I’ll help just based on that. I’ve never seen you all gooey over a male before, only lusty.”
“I’m not gooey!”
He smirked at her. “Whatever you say.”
“If that doesn’t convince you, Mommy Dearest, maybe you’ll want to help the Sempire he’s been holding captive.” She knew that would infuriate her mother. Talith was a proud Sempire, proud of her species and wouldn’t stand for that.
Talith sucked in a harsh breath. Araya followed suit. “How do you know he’s holding a Sempire?” she demanded.
“Rydin told me and it doesn’t sound good.”
“Of course it’s not good. It’s probably already too late for her. There is no cure for a Sempire addicted to Incubus semen.” A brief expression of true sorrow crossed her features. “But better to get her out of there than to let her continue suffering at the Incubus’s hands but Fin will not be involved.”
“Talith—” Fin began.
“Fin,” Talith interrupted, “you can’t go to the demon realm.”
“Why not?” Valia asked. “He’s a badass fighter even if he is a little flabby from all the cooking he does.” Okay, there wasn’t any flab on Fin, but that’d teach him to call her gooey.
“Absolutely not,” Talith said. “Darcon can spare you a few guards if you insist on this ridiculous crusade, but Fin can’t go and you’re not going either.”
“Oh but I am, Mother. I’m sixty-one years old, for fuck’s sake. And Fin, hell, he’s been around a lot longer than me.” She looked at her friend and asked, “How old are you anyway?”
“Old enough.”
“See, he’s old enough.”
Talith slammed her fist on the table and jumped out of her seat. “Fin cannot go to the demon realm! I forbid it! He’ll be exposed!”
Everyone at the table jumped a little and Kiberry ducked his head under Kean’s leg.
“Exposed?” Araya asked.
Fin scrubbed a hand through his hair. “I’m tired of this, tired of hiding, of pretending. It’s bullshit. I want to help.”
“Fin,” Talith said, her voice low and ominous, “it’s too dangerous. Don’t do this. It’s unnecessary. The guards are much better suited—”
“Araya is getting married. Valia is gooey over some Ferox demon.” He grunted as Valia’s punch connected with his arm. “I want to share these experiences as family, not as the friendly cook. And, I want to help my sister.”
Shocked silence coated the air. Had he just said sister?
Kean broke the silence. “Finally, the Incubus isn’t the one getting all the weird looks. Awesome.”
“Sister?” Valia asked.
“Fin,” Talith’s tone warned.
“It’s time, Mother. It’s been time.” He turned his gaze to Valia and then to Araya. “I’m your brother.”
“Brother? But it’s not possible. Sempires only have females.” Araya said. “Unless one of our fathers…” Araya squinted as she tried to figure it out.
“No, Araya, he called Talith ‘Mother’. Valia’s eyes widened. “That means that Fin is a—”
Fin cut her off. “Yes, it means I’m a freak of nature. A mutant. An abomination.”
Valia punched him in the shoulder and laughed her ass off as she jumped out of her seat and into his lap giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Holy shit biscuits! We have a Sempire brother. No wonder I never felt the urge to jump your bones.”
Talith looked as if her head might explode and Araya’s face was ashen.
“I thought,” Araya swallowed hard, “that male Sempires were… Well, the stories say the few male Sempires born throughout the ages were—” Her eyes watered and her lips trembled.
“Killed at birth,” Talith finished Araya’s sentence, her voice hard. “Male Sempires are considered an abomination and as far as I know, Fin is the only one alive. I couldn’t…” Talith cleared her throat.
“Araya, quit blubbering and come give your abomination of a brother a hug,” Valia teased as she moved off Fin’s lap and back to her seat. Araya wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and made her way to Fin’s side. Fin stood and they embraced as brother and sister for the first time.
Kiberry pulled his head out from under Kean’s leg and lumbered over to Araya and Fin’s emotional embrace. He stood on his four-inch back legs and spread his wings around Araya and Fin.
Valia wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t witnessed it herself, but a tear actually rolled down Talith’s cheek. Wow. She’d always considered Fin to be akin to a brother anyway. He’d tended her scrapes and bruises when she was a young female and had done the same for Araya. He’d always been protective of them and he’d been terribly distraught when Araya had started weakening because she refused to do what was necessary to complete her transition to full Sempire. Until Kean came along, that is.
Sure, a male Sempire was considered an abomination but she wasn’t one for those types of stupid rules. She thought it was totally cool and had a ton of questions for him but it would have to wait.
“Okay so what’s the deal with Fin being exposed?” Valia asked.
Araya and Fin released each other—Araya still blubbering—and sat.
“Talith—Mother,” he corrected with a dazzling smile, “found a witch to cloak my essence. It’s why you’ve never been able to sense the Sempire in me.”
“And green eyes,” Valia said. “You didn’t get the gold like the rest of us.”
Fin leaned toward her and opened his eyes wide. “Contacts.”
“Well, fuck me,” Valia said. “Sneaky!”
alith took over. “Yes but the cloaking only works in the human realm and in the veil. In the demon realm, he’ll be exposed. He cannot risk it and this information cannot leave this room.” She eyed Kean.
Kean threw up his hands. “Hey, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Araya and being mostly human, I don’t understand all of your demon rules and I really don’t give a shit what he is.” He grinned at Fin. “Dude makes a great steak.”
“Fin, it’d be awesome to have my brother fight at my side, but I don’t wanna put you in any extra danger so…” She shrugged and gave him a slight wink. She hoped he’d see it and understand. His lips twitched and she knew he did. Definitely her brother. Hell, Fin had taught her most of her fighting moves, he was super strong and she’d seen him kick major ass.
“You are not going either Valia,” Talith said. “The guards will rescue the Sempire.”
“And kill Debol so Rydin is freed,” Valia reminded her. “Besides, I have to at least lead them there. I know where his lair is. They don’t.”
Talith opened her mouth to speak, but Valia didn’t need to hear any more. She knew the danger, but she was gonna do what she was gonna do regardless. “It’ll be fine. And, I just came up with a plan. I’ll only need to be there for a few minutes to get our guards past Debol’s guards. Then I can pop out.”
Her mother seemed satisfied with that. Little did she know, Valia was lying.
* * * * *
Darcy chose four guards to accompany Valia. There was no way she could get them all past Debol’s guards. No, she let her mother believe that so she’d get off her back but Valia knew what she’d really have to do. She’d told the guards her fake plan and then ran to her room to change into something more suitable for a fight. Tight green tank top, tight black pants and her ass-kicking boots.
Araya sat with her as she changed. “Are you sure about this, Valia? I mean, the Ferox demon did abduct you for revenge purposes.”
Valia pulled on a knee high boot and zipped it up, then sat on the bed. “What’s it feel like to be in love?”
Araya’s eyes widened. “Love? You asking about love?”
“Forget it.” Valia looked away and pulled on her other boot.
“No! Sorry. I was just surprised by the question.”
“Well, then?”
Araya closed her eyes for a few seconds. “Well, it’s hard to describe. I think about Kean all the time. Even though he is only downstairs right now, I miss him. I don’t like to be away from him. When he touches me…” Valia had to stifle a laugh when Araya’s face reddened. “Anyway. I’m happy and feel complete with him.”
Complete with him. Yeah, Valia experienced that with Rydin, but she assured herself all those gooey feelings were because of the aura binding. That had to be it. Valia had never desired to be with one male for more than a couple of days. She didn’t do all that mushy squishy love crap. She’d always thought it dumb and so very restricting.
She’d find a way to undo the aura binding and then she and Rydin both would be free from the unwanted feelings.
“Why the interest in love?” Araya asked.
Valia shrugged and hopped off the bed. “Just curious.”
Araya crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Why are you really willing to risk another trip to the demon realm?”
“Told ya. Rydin has suffered enough because of me. I’m a fair chick. I can’t get back the extra years he lost, but I can keep him from losing any more. Plus, hello. There’s a Sempire being held captive by an Incubus.”
“Mmm hmm,” Araya said.
* * * * *
Valia had just enough time to tell Fin to hang back until she ditched the guards. He looked concerned at the “ditch the guards” part but agreed anyway.
Valia met the guards right outside the mansion’s front door. She ported them to right outside Rydin’s house instead of to Debol’s. She figured that was as good a place as any. Before any of them had time to realize what her intentions were, she flashed back to the mansion where Fin was waiting for her outside. Then they ported about a half mile from Debol’s.
“Okay. Here’s the plan,” Valia began. She was stopped short by the appearance of Araya, Kean and Kiberry. “What the fuck?”
Araya looked around at their dismal surroundings, a wary look on her face. Kean appeared uncomfortable but gripped Araya’s arm protectively. Kiberry sniffed the ground, found a spot he liked and rolled over on his back and wiggled around.
A look of determination crossed Araya’s face as she gazed at Valia. “You’re my sister. I knew you had something planned. Kiberry helped us follow your trail.” She gazed at him lovingly and smiled. “He’s such a smart boy. He wants to help.”
Kiberry rolled over and shook the dirt off his fur and growled, showing rows of sharp teeth. Valia assumed it was his way of saying he was ready to kick some ass.
“Okey-dokey. If you’re all sure,” at their nods she continued, “new plan.”
“Fin, cuffs.” Fin pulled the handcuffs from his back pocket and handed them to Valia. She slapped one cuff on her wrist and the other on Fin’s. “We are now your prisoners, Kean. A Sempire and, well, an abomination of a Sempire.” She grinned at Fin. He grinned back. “Kean, you want to be employed by Debol and we are your offerings to him to show your worth. I’m not sure what to do with Araya or Kiberry.” She bent down to scratch behind his ears.
Araya piped up. “I could be Kean’s Sempire. I mean, I am his. Um. What I’m saying is Kean is an Incubus too and maybe he likes to keep Sempires like this Debol creep does. If I’m addicted, I won’t be running from him, right?”
Valia twirled it around her head. It could work.
“That leaves Kiberry,” Valia said. His ears perked up and he turned his head to the side when she said his name.
Kean walked a few feet away and grabbed a piece of rope from the ground. “He can be my pet.”
Kiberry wagged his tail and took a step back as his body trembled and he let out a low howl. In seconds, he’d shifted into an odd-looking dog. Kind of a cross between a beagle and rat terrier.
Valia laughed and Araya clapped her hands. Kean bent down and held the palm of his hand above Kiberry’s head and said, “High five.” Kiberry lifted a paw and touched it to Kean’s palm. Kean’s lips curved into a cocky smile. “We’ve been practicing his shifting. He liked the pictures of the huskies best but didn’t have much luck with it. I suggested something smaller and less fancy.”
At one and one half years old, Kiberry was still considered a baby. He’d been practicing his shifting abilities for months, but this was by far his best shift. Usually, the dogs he shifted into looked deformed, mutated.
“Why would you bring your pet to a job interview?” Araya asked.
He shrugged. “Because of my deficit as a demon, as your mother likes to put it, he helps me track.”
“Whatevs,” Valia said, “we’ll give it a whirl.”
Kean bent down to tie one end of the rope loosely around Kiberry’s neck.
Valia turned to Araya and said, “Hit me.”
“What? No!”
Valia turned and gave Fin a look. He nodded and she punched him in the face five times in succession.
“Shit, Valia, are you crazy?” Araya exclaimed.
Kean said, “They need to look roughed up. The guards and the Incubus will be able to sense how much human I have in me and they’ll never believe I was able to capture two Sempires on my own especially without a scratch on them.”
“Well, you could with my help. I’m not beating the shit out of my sister. And don’t you hit Fin again,” she said to Valia.
His left eye was swollen and bleeding from the force of her blows but he would heal soon enough.
“Either you can hit me, Araya, or Fin’s gonna have to do it. I can take it either way but I know you’ll like it less if he does it.” Araya put on her stubborn face and Valia knew what to do. She grabbed Kean by the shirt, pulling him to her and
licked his face.
Araya shoved Kean away and punched Valia in the mouth. Hard. Damn. She hadn’t relished the idea of Fin marring her awesomeness but she wondered if the force of Araya’s punch was any less than Fin’s would have been. She spit some blood and said, “Not bad, sis. How do I look?”
Valia burst out laughing at the horrified expression on Araya’s face.
“It’s not funny! Dammit!” Araya stomped her foot.
“It’s a little funny.” Valia grabbed a handful of dirt off the ground, rolled it around her fingers and smeared some on Fin’s face. Then she hesitantly wiped some on her face too and she messed up her hair. She sighed, “This part is so not awesome but whatevs let’s go.”
“Wait,” Fin said. “Kean looks a little too spiffy. Don’t I get to punch him? And Araya…” he looked disturbed and didn’t finish his sentence.
Kean bent down and grabbed a handful of dirt. He gently smeared a streak across Araya’s forehead and some on her shirt. He then ripped her shirt. He took a knife out of his pocket and slashed himself across the front of his shoulder. Araya paled. It wasn’t deep but it bled enough to be convincing. Kean looked from Valia to Fin and said, “Araya doesn’t get hurt.” Then he motioned for them to move on.
Valia’s stomach clenched as they approached Debol’s lair and she wondered if Rydin was inside being tortured or beaten. She felt his pain but tried to convince herself she was imaging things. She’d only been away for two hours and she hoped Debol hadn’t yet had Rydin dragged from his home. No, he wouldn’t be dragged, he’d simply turn himself in to accept the punishment he knew was coming to him. Prideful ass.
She tried to push thoughts of him being hurt from her mind. That kind of distraction would do her no good. There were already too many ways this plan could go wrong. None of them said it, but from the little she could see of their auras, they were all aware this could be disastrous.
Two guards appeared in their faces before they reached the entrance, daggers drawn, ready to kill.